Meride API - Live - Update

This page explains how to update Live elements.

Entity name: live.

PUT http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/live/{resource-id}.{format}

{resource-id}: the object ID


Attribute Value Mandatory Default
title A non-empty string NO
short_description A string NO
description A string NO
tags A string where each tag has the character , as a divider NO
preview_image A reference to the absolute path of the image on your disk.
Formats accepted: jpg, png, gif


Field Value Description
id string Object ID
title string The title of the video
short_description string The associated short description
description string The associated complete description
tags string List of tags separated by commas
created_at string The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:s
Y(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds)
entry_point_primary string Primary entry point
entry_point_backup string Backup entry point
stream_name string Stream name
user string Username
pass string Password
secondary_streams string Secondary flows
multi_stream_name_fmle string
preview_image string URL of the associated preview image
xml1 string URL of the xml 1 attached to the live
xml2 string URL of the xml 2 attached to the live

Example of a request

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT" -X POST http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/live/2.json -d '
    "title": "New title"

Example of a JSON response

    "title":"New title",
    "created_at":"2012-02-05 13:35:47",

Note The updated object will be returned as a response

Note The PUT method is not supported by all systems. In case of problems, add the parameter to the Header of the callX-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT and use the method POST as default

PHP SDK documentation
$merideApi = new Meride\Api('[your-auth-code]', 'http://API_DOMAIN/', 'v2');
$response = $merideApi->update('live', '2', array (
  'title' => 'New title',