This page explains how to create Category elements.
Parameter | Value | Mandatory |
title | A non-empty string | YES |
father_id | ID of the parent category you want to associate | NO |
description | A string | NO |
Field | Value | Description |
id | string | Object ID |
title | string | Object title |
description | string | The associated description |
created_at | string | The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:sY(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds) |
father_id | int | Father category ID |
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -X POST http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/category.json -d ' { "title": "Category title" }'
{ "id":"2", "title":"Category title", "description":null, "created_at":"2013-02-06 17:11:03", "father_id": null }
Note The object created will be returned as a response
$merideApi = new Meride\Api('[your-auth-code]', 'http://API_DOMAIN/', 'v2'); $response = $merideApi->create('category', array ( 'title' => 'Category title', ));