This page explains how to read Embed elements.
A collection / array of elements
Field | Value | Description |
id | string | Object ID |
public_id | string | Object public ID. If not equal to null use this field instead of id in the embed code |
title | string | The title of the video |
short_description | string | The associated short description |
description | string | The associated complete description |
tags | string | List of tags separated by commas |
primary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
secondary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
tertiary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
skin | string | The skin of the player chosen during create |
created_at | string | The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:sY(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds) |
width | string | The default width of the player |
height | string | The default height of the player |
responsive | boolean | 1 if autoplay is responsive. 0 otherwise |
crop | boolean | 1 if you want to crop the video to the determined size. 0 otherwise |
background_color | string | The background color of the player in HEX code. |
background_image | string | URL of the player's background image. |
player_color | string | The color of the player in HEX code. |
autoplay | boolean | 1 if the video is published in autoplay. 0 otherwise |
mute | boolean | 1 if the video is published in mute mode. 0 otherwise |
controlbar_visible | boolean | 0 if the player's control bar is hidden. 1 otherwise |
controlbar_auto_hide | boolean | 1 if the player’s control bar becomes hidden automatically. 0 otherwise |
seekable | boolean | 0 if the player's scroll bar is disabled. 0 otherwise |
preload | boolean | 1 if preload video is active. 0 otherwise |
pip | boolean | 1 if Picture in Picture mode is active. 0 otherwise |
wmode | string | The wmode property of the object/embed element on Flash player |
skip_preroll | boolean | 1 if the user has the option to skip the preroll. 0 otherwise |
skip_time | integer | The number of seconds after which the link to skip the preroll appears |
setting_volume | string | Google DART volume.-1 Predefined. none No check. defaultOn Volume active. defaultOff Volume disabled |
desktop_player | string | Player type for desktop users |
scrollmode_enabled | boolean | 1 If "Scroll Mode" is active. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_mute_on_mouse_over | boolean | 1 If within "Scroll Mode" the video becomes mute on mouse over. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_destroy_on | json array | List of events where the player is expected to be destroyed |
code | string | The embed code to insert in your HTML pages |
code_iframe | string | The embed code in the iframe version |
code_360 | string | The embed code in the 360 version |
code_amp | string | The embed code in the AMP version |
code_instant_article | string | The embed code in the Instant Article version |
video | video | The video source used by the embed |
live | live | The live source used by the embed |
preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the desktop prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
midroll | addart | Object that describes all the desktop midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the desktop postroll associated with the embed |
overlay_initial | addart | Object that describes the initial desktop overlay associated with the embed |
overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main desktop overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
mobile_preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the mobile prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_midroll | addart | Object that describes all the mobile midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the mobile postroll associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_initial | addart | Object describing the initial mobile overlay associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main mobile overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
player_adv_manager | string | Player Ad Manager |
ima_vpaid_mode | string | IMA Vpaid Mode |
subtitles | array | List of subtitles associated with the embed |
subtitles_default_lang | string | Subtitle default language |
watermark | string | URL to the image of the watermark |
watermark_width | int | Watermark resize width |
watermark_height | int | Watermark height resize |
watermark_opacity | float | Watermark transparency level |
watermark_displaytime | int | Watermark dwell time in seconds |
watermark_hide | boolean | 1 If the watermark disappears together with the player controls. 0 otherwise |
watermark_link | string | URL to redirect by clicking on the watermark. |
watermark_bottom | string | Placement of the watermark from the bottom |
watermark_right | string | Placement of the watermark from the right |
watermark_top | string | Placement of the watermark from the top |
watermark_left | string | Placement of the watermark from the left |
categories | category | The set of category objects associated with the embed |
application_published | boolean | 1 If the embed is published in applications. 0 otherwise |
bulks | bulk | The set of BULK configuration objects associated with the embed |
webtrekk_account | webtrekk | The associated Webtrekk object |
ama_configuration | ama | The associated Akamai Media Analytics object |
comscore_account | comscore | The associated Comscore object |
nielsen_account | nielsen | The associated Nielsen object |
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -X GET http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed.json
{ "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "id": "2", "public_id": "0vPwxLXKZl2", "title": "Embed title", "short_description": null, "description": null, "tags": null, "primary_url": null, "secondary_url": null, "tertiary_url": null, "skin": "default", "created_at": "2018-05-03 18:41:34", "width": "540", "height": "303", "responsive": "1", "crop":"0", "background_color":"000000", "background_image":"", "player_color":"FFCE3E", "autoplay": "0", "mute": "0", "controlbar_visible": "1", "controlbar_auto_hide": "1", "seekable": "1", "preload": "1", "pip": "0", "wmode": "direct", "skip_preroll": "0", "skip_time": "5", "setting_volume": "-1", "desktop_player": "html5", "scrollmode_enabled": "0", "scrollmode_mute_on_mouse_over": "1", "scrollmode_destroy_on": [], "code": "<div class=\"meride-video-container\" data-embed=\"0vPwxLXKZl2\" data-customer=\"customer\" data-nfs=\"customer\" data-width=\"540\" data-height=\"303\"></div>\n<script src=\"\"></script>", "code_iframe": "<iframe src=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"303\" scrolling=\"auto\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><p></p><p>Il tuo browser non supporta il tag iframe</p></iframe>", "code_360": "<div class=\"meride-video-container\" data-embed=\"39\" data-customer=\"customer\" data-nfs=\"customer\" data-360=\"true\" data-width=\"540\" data-height=\"303\"></div>\n<script src=\"\"></script>", "code_amp": "<amp-iframe width=\"540\" height=\"303\" layout=\"responsive\" sandbox=\"allow-scripts allow-popups\" allowfullscreen frameborder=\"0\" srcdoc=\"<div class='meride-video-container' data-embed='0vPwxLXKZl2' data-customer='customer' data-nfs='customer' data-width='540' data-height='303'></div><script src=''></script><script>Meride.preventOnDOMLoaded=true;Meride.initEmbed({embedID:'0vPwxLXKZl2',allowM3u8OnDesktop:false,videoFormat:{html5:'mp4'},type:'html5'});</script>\"></amp-iframe>", "code_instant_article": "<figure class=\"op-interactive\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\"></iframe></figure>", "video": { "id":"2", "title":"Video title", "short_description":"", "description":"", "tags":"", "duration":306.32, "available_video":"0", "invalid_video":"0", "created_at":"2012-09-25 17:55:47", "preview_image":"http:\/\/\/meride\/video\/images\/test_image.jpg" }, "live": null, "preroll": [ { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, ], "midroll": null, "postroll": null, "overlay_initial": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "after_time": 60, "stay_time": 30 }, "overlay_main": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "fixed": 0, "after_time": 10, "stay_time": 20, "delay_time": 60, "max_width": "300", "max_height": "250" }, "mobile_preroll": [ { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, ], "mobile_midroll": null, "mobile_postroll": null, "mobile_overlay_initial": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "after_time": 60, "stay_time": 30 }, "mobile_overlay_main": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "fixed": 0, "after_time": 10, "stay_time": 20, "delay_time": 60, "max_width": "300", "max_height": "250" }, "player_adv_manager": "ima", "ima_vpaid_mode": "ENABLED", "subtitles": null, "subtitles_default_lang": null, "watermark": null, "watermark_width": null, "watermark_height": null, "watermark_opacity": null, "watermark_displaytime": null, "watermark_hide": "0", "watermark_link": null, "watermark_bottom": null, "watermark_right": null, "watermark_top": null, "watermark_left": null, "categories": [ { "id": "1", "title": "Test categoria", "description": "", "created_at": "2017-07-19 17:52:28", "father_id": null, } ], "application_published": "0", "bulks": null, "webtrekk_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Webtrekk title", "track_id":"track_id", "track_domain":"track_domain", "mg":null, "description":null, "default":"1", "created_at":"2013-02-06 18:12:03" }, "ama_configuration": { "id":"2", "title":"Ama title", "default":"1", "description":null, "url_beacon":"", "created_at":"2013-05-18 17:00:37" }, "comscore_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Comscore title", "clientid":"14267511", "adtrack_start":"", "adtrack_complete":"", "adtrack_standard":"", "default":"1", "description":null, "created_at":"2013-02-06 17:11:03", }, "nielsen_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Nielsen title", "clientid":"clientid", "vcid":"vcid", "cisuffix":"", "sfcode":"it", "prod":"prod", "description":null, "default":"1", "created_at":"2013-02-06 18:12:03" }}], "first_page_url": "http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed.json?search_page=1&search_for_page=100", "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "last_page_url": "http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed.json?search_page=1&search_for_page=100", "next_page_url": null, "path": "http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed.json", "per_page": 100, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 1, "total": 1 }
$merideApi = new Meride\Api('[your-auth-code]', 'http://API_DOMAIN/', 'v2'); $response = $merideApi->all('embed');
{resource-id}: the object ID
A collection / array of elements
Field | Value | Description |
id | string | Object ID |
public_id | string | Object public ID. If not equal to null use this field instead of id in the embed code |
title | string | The title of the video |
short_description | string | The associated short description |
description | string | The associated complete description |
tags | string | List of tags separated by commas |
primary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
secondary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
tertiary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
skin | string | The skin of the player chosen during create |
created_at | string | The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:sY(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds) |
width | string | The default width of the player |
height | string | The default height of the player |
responsive | boolean | 1 if autoplay is responsive. 0 otherwise |
crop | boolean | 1 if you want to crop the video to the determined size. 0 otherwise |
background_color | string | The background color of the player in HEX code. |
background_image | string | URL of the player's background image. |
player_color | string | The color of the player in HEX code. |
autoplay | boolean | 1 if the video is published in autoplay. 0 otherwise |
mute | boolean | 1 if the video is published in mute mode. 0 otherwise |
controlbar_visible | boolean | 0 if the player's control bar is hidden. 1 otherwise |
controlbar_auto_hide | boolean | 1 if the player’s control bar becomes hidden automatically. 0 otherwise |
seekable | boolean | 0 if the player's scroll bar is disabled. 0 otherwise |
preload | boolean | 1 if preload video is active. 0 otherwise |
pip | boolean | 1 if Picture in Picture mode is active. 0 otherwise |
wmode | string | The wmode property of the object/embed element on Flash player |
skip_preroll | boolean | 1 if the user has the option to skip the preroll. 0 otherwise |
skip_time | integer | The number of seconds after which the link to skip the preroll appears |
setting_volume | string | Google DART volume.-1 Predefined. none No check. defaultOn Volume active. defaultOff Volume disabled |
desktop_player | string | Player type for desktop users |
scrollmode_enabled | boolean | 1 If "Scroll Mode" is active. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_mute_on_mouse_over | boolean | 1 If within "Scroll Mode" the video becomes mute on mouse over. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_destroy_on | json array | List of events where the player is expected to be destroyed |
code | string | The embed code to insert in your HTML pages |
code_iframe | string | The embed code in the iframe version |
code_360 | string | The embed code in the 360 version |
code_amp | string | The embed code in the AMP version |
code_instant_article | string | The embed code in the Instant Article version |
video | video | The video source used by the embed |
live | live | The live source used by the embed |
preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the desktop prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
midroll | addart | Object that describes all the desktop midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the desktop postroll associated with the embed |
overlay_initial | addart | Object that describes the initial desktop overlay associated with the embed |
overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main desktop overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
mobile_preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the mobile prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_midroll | addart | Object that describes all the mobile midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the mobile postroll associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_initial | addart | Object describing the initial mobile overlay associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main mobile overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
player_adv_manager | string | Player Ad Manager |
ima_vpaid_mode | string | IMA Vpaid Mode |
subtitles | array | List of subtitles associated with the embed |
subtitles_default_lang | string | Subtitle default language |
watermark | string | URL to the image of the watermark |
watermark_width | int | Watermark resize width |
watermark_height | int | Watermark height resize |
watermark_opacity | float | Watermark transparency level |
watermark_displaytime | int | Watermark dwell time in seconds |
watermark_hide | boolean | 1 If the watermark disappears together with the player controls. 0 otherwise |
watermark_link | string | URL to redirect by clicking on the watermark. |
watermark_bottom | string | Placement of the watermark from the bottom |
watermark_right | string | Placement of the watermark from the right |
watermark_top | string | Placement of the watermark from the top |
watermark_left | string | Placement of the watermark from the left |
categories | category | The set of category objects associated with the embed |
application_published | boolean | 1 If the embed is published in applications. 0 otherwise |
bulks | bulk | The set of BULK configuration objects associated with the embed |
webtrekk_account | webtrekk | The associated Webtrekk object |
ama_configuration | ama | The associated Akamai Media Analytics object |
comscore_account | comscore | The associated Comscore object |
nielsen_account | nielsen | The associated Nielsen object |
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -X GET http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed/2.json
{ "id": "2", "public_id": "0vPwxLXKZl2", "title": "Embed title", "short_description": null, "description": null, "tags": null, "primary_url": null, "secondary_url": null, "tertiary_url": null, "skin": "default", "created_at": "2018-05-03 18:41:34", "width": "540", "height": "303", "responsive": "1", "crop":"0", "background_color":"000000", "background_image":"", "player_color":"FFCE3E", "autoplay": "0", "mute": "0", "controlbar_visible": "1", "controlbar_auto_hide": "1", "seekable": "1", "preload": "1", "pip": "0", "wmode": "direct", "skip_preroll": "0", "skip_time": "5", "setting_volume": "-1", "desktop_player": "html5", "scrollmode_enabled": "0", "scrollmode_mute_on_mouse_over": "1", "scrollmode_destroy_on": [], "code": "<div class=\"meride-video-container\" data-embed=\"0vPwxLXKZl2\" data-customer=\"customer\" data-nfs=\"customer\" data-width=\"540\" data-height=\"303\"></div>\n<script src=\"\"></script>", "code_iframe": "<iframe src=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"303\" scrolling=\"auto\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><p></p><p>Il tuo browser non supporta il tag iframe</p></iframe>", "code_360": "<div class=\"meride-video-container\" data-embed=\"39\" data-customer=\"customer\" data-nfs=\"customer\" data-360=\"true\" data-width=\"540\" data-height=\"303\"></div>\n<script src=\"\"></script>", "code_amp": "<amp-iframe width=\"540\" height=\"303\" layout=\"responsive\" sandbox=\"allow-scripts allow-popups\" allowfullscreen frameborder=\"0\" srcdoc=\"<div class='meride-video-container' data-embed='0vPwxLXKZl2' data-customer='customer' data-nfs='customer' data-width='540' data-height='303'></div><script src=''></script><script>Meride.preventOnDOMLoaded=true;Meride.initEmbed({embedID:'0vPwxLXKZl2',allowM3u8OnDesktop:false,videoFormat:{html5:'mp4'},type:'html5'});</script>\"></amp-iframe>", "code_instant_article": "<figure class=\"op-interactive\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\"></iframe></figure>", "video": { "id":"2", "title":"Video title", "short_description":"", "description":"", "tags":"", "duration":306.32, "available_video":"0", "invalid_video":"0", "created_at":"2012-09-25 17:55:47", "preview_image":"http:\/\/\/meride\/video\/images\/test_image.jpg" }, "live": null, "preroll": [ { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, ], "midroll": null, "postroll": null, "overlay_initial": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "after_time": 60, "stay_time": 30 }, "overlay_main": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "fixed": 0, "after_time": 10, "stay_time": 20, "delay_time": 60, "max_width": "300", "max_height": "250" }, "mobile_preroll": [ { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "2", "type": "linear", "title": "DART title", "source_url": "", "replace_rules": [ { "subject": "[random-number]", "value": "random-number" }, { "subject": "[url]", "value": "url-video" } ], "description": "description", "created_at": "2018-06-11 15:51:54" }, ], "mobile_midroll": null, "mobile_postroll": null, "mobile_overlay_initial": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "after_time": 60, "stay_time": 30 }, "mobile_overlay_main": { "adv_type": "dart", "id": "3", "type": "non-linear", "title": "Google example non-linear", "source_url": "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dimageoverlay&adtest=on", "replace_rules": [], "description": "", "created_at": "2017-08-02 18:31:10", "fixed": 0, "after_time": 10, "stay_time": 20, "delay_time": 60, "max_width": "300", "max_height": "250" }, "player_adv_manager": "ima", "ima_vpaid_mode": "ENABLED", "subtitles": null, "subtitles_default_lang": null, "watermark": null, "watermark_width": null, "watermark_height": null, "watermark_opacity": null, "watermark_displaytime": null, "watermark_hide": "0", "watermark_link": null, "watermark_bottom": null, "watermark_right": null, "watermark_top": null, "watermark_left": null, "categories": [ { "id": "1", "title": "Test categoria", "description": "", "created_at": "2017-07-19 17:52:28", "father_id": null, } ], "application_published": "0", "bulks": null, "webtrekk_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Webtrekk title", "track_id":"track_id", "track_domain":"track_domain", "mg":null, "description":null, "default":"1", "created_at":"2013-02-06 18:12:03" }, "ama_configuration": { "id":"2", "title":"Ama title", "default":"1", "description":null, "url_beacon":"", "created_at":"2013-05-18 17:00:37" }, "comscore_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Comscore title", "clientid":"14267511", "adtrack_start":"", "adtrack_complete":"", "adtrack_standard":"", "default":"1", "description":null, "created_at":"2013-02-06 17:11:03", }, "nielsen_account": { "id":"2", "title":"Nielsen title", "clientid":"clientid", "vcid":"vcid", "cisuffix":"", "sfcode":"it", "prod":"prod", "description":null, "default":"1", "created_at":"2013-02-06 18:12:03" }}
$merideApi = new Meride\Api('[your-auth-code]', 'http://API_DOMAIN/', 'v2'); $response = $merideApi->read('embed', 2);
Note The option -G must be specified in the curl command call so that the search parameters are passed correctly
Attribute | Value | Mandatory |
search_string | A non-empty string that will be searched for in the title | NO |
search_in_tags | 1 if you want to also search in tags. 0 otherwise |
NO |
search_in_description | 1 if you want to also search in the description. 0 otherwise |
NO |
search_date_min | Format DATETIME aaaa-mm-gg oo:mm:ss . Search for all embeds starting from the specified date |
NO |
search_date_max | Format DATETIME aaaa-mm-gg oo:mm:ss . Search all embeds up to the specified date |
NO |
search_video_id | Video ID. Search for all embeds for the specified video | NO |
search_live_id | Live ID. Search for all embeds for the specified live | NO |
search_adv_id | Advertising ID. Search all embeds for the specified advertising. The search is performed on the prerolls, midroll, postroll, overlay_initial and overlay_main associated both in the desktop and mobile player. Remember to also specify the search_adv_type field if this field is not empty | NO |
search_adv_type | Type of Advertising video | dart |
NO |
search_category_id | Category ID. Search all embeds for the specified category and for all its children | NO |
search_configuration_id | BULK ID configuration. Search all embeds for the specified configuration | NO |
search_ama_configuration_id | Akamai Media Analytics ID. Search all embeds for the specified account | NO |
search_comscore_account_id | Comscore Account ID. Search all embeds for the specified account | NO |
search_nielsen_account_id | Nielsen Account ID. Search all embeds for the specified account | NO |
search_webtrekk_account_id | Webtrekk Account ID. Search all embeds for the specified account | NO |
search_page | Integer greater than 0. | NO |
search_for_page | Integer greater than 0. Number of objects to return per page. | NO |
search_order_by | Parameter against which to order the output. Allowed values: id ,title ,created_at |
NO |
search_asc_desc | If the search_order_by parameter is used to sort the output, it is possible to specify the ascending or descending order. Allowed values: ASC ,DESC |
NO |
A collection / array of elements
Field | Value | Description |
id | string | Object ID |
public_id | string | Object public ID. If not equal to null use this field instead of id in the embed code |
title | string | The title of the video |
short_description | string | The associated short description |
description | string | The associated complete description |
tags | string | List of tags separated by commas |
primary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
secondary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
tertiary_url | string | A valid URL. Information used for the DART advertising replace rules |
skin | string | The skin of the player chosen during create |
created_at | string | The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:sY(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds) |
width | string | The default width of the player |
height | string | The default height of the player |
responsive | boolean | 1 if autoplay is responsive. 0 otherwise |
crop | boolean | 1 if you want to crop the video to the determined size. 0 otherwise |
background_color | string | The background color of the player in HEX code. |
background_image | string | URL of the player's background image. |
player_color | string | The color of the player in HEX code. |
autoplay | boolean | 1 if the video is published in autoplay. 0 otherwise |
mute | boolean | 1 if the video is published in mute mode. 0 otherwise |
controlbar_visible | boolean | 0 if the player's control bar is hidden. 1 otherwise |
controlbar_auto_hide | boolean | 1 if the player’s control bar becomes hidden automatically. 0 otherwise |
seekable | boolean | 0 if the player's scroll bar is disabled. 0 otherwise |
preload | boolean | 1 if preload video is active. 0 otherwise |
pip | boolean | 1 if Picture in Picture mode is active. 0 otherwise |
wmode | string | The wmode property of the object/embed element on Flash player |
skip_preroll | boolean | 1 if the user has the option to skip the preroll. 0 otherwise |
skip_time | integer | The number of seconds after which the link to skip the preroll appears |
setting_volume | string | Google DART volume.-1 Predefined. none No check. defaultOn Volume active. defaultOff Volume disabled |
desktop_player | string | Player type for desktop users |
scrollmode_enabled | boolean | 1 If "Scroll Mode" is active. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_mute_on_mouse_over | boolean | 1 If within "Scroll Mode" the video becomes mute on mouse over. 0 otherwise |
scrollmode_destroy_on | json array | List of events where the player is expected to be destroyed |
code | string | The embed code to insert in your HTML pages |
code_iframe | string | The embed code in the iframe version |
code_360 | string | The embed code in the 360 version |
code_amp | string | The embed code in the AMP version |
code_instant_article | string | The embed code in the Instant Article version |
video | video | The video source used by the embed |
live | live | The live source used by the embed |
preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the desktop prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
midroll | addart | Object that describes all the desktop midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the desktop postroll associated with the embed |
overlay_initial | addart | Object that describes the initial desktop overlay associated with the embed |
overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main desktop overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
mobile_preroll | advideo | addart | Object that describes all the mobile prerolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_midroll | addart | Object that describes all the mobile midrolls associated with the embed and its configurations |
mobile_postroll | advideo | addart | Object describing the mobile postroll associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_initial | addart | Object describing the initial mobile overlay associated with the embed |
mobile_overlay_main | addart | Object that describes the main mobile overlay associated with the embed and its configuration |
player_adv_manager | string | Player Ad Manager |
ima_vpaid_mode | string | IMA Vpaid Mode |
subtitles | array | List of subtitles associated with the embed |
subtitles_default_lang | string | Subtitle default language |
watermark | string | URL to the image of the watermark |
watermark_width | int | Watermark resize width |
watermark_height | int | Watermark height resize |
watermark_opacity | float | Watermark transparency level |
watermark_displaytime | int | Watermark dwell time in seconds |
watermark_hide | boolean | 1 If the watermark disappears together with the player controls. 0 otherwise |
watermark_link | string | URL to redirect by clicking on the watermark. |
watermark_bottom | string | Placement of the watermark from the bottom |
watermark_right | string | Placement of the watermark from the right |
watermark_top | string | Placement of the watermark from the top |
watermark_left | string | Placement of the watermark from the left |
categories | category | The set of category objects associated with the embed |
application_published | boolean | 1 If the embed is published in applications. 0 otherwise |
bulks | bulk | The set of BULK configuration objects associated with the embed |
webtrekk_account | webtrekk | The associated Webtrekk object |
ama_configuration | ama | The associated Akamai Media Analytics object |
comscore_account | comscore | The associated Comscore object |
nielsen_account | nielsen | The associated Nielsen object |
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -X GET "http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/embed.json?search_string=title&search_for_page=5"
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