Meride API - Category - Delete

This page explains how to delete Category elements.

Entity name: category.

DELETE http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/category/{resource-id}.{format}

{resource-id}: the object ID


No parameter

Example of a request

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: [your-access-token]" -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE" -X POST http://API_DOMAIN/rest/v2/category/39.json



Note The DELETE method is not supported by all systems. In case of problems, add the parameter to the Header of the callX-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE and use the methodPOST as default

PHP SDK documentation
$merideApi = new Meride\Api('[your-auth-code]', 'http://API_DOMAIN/', 'v2');
$response = $merideApi->delete('category', 2);