Meride API - Video - Update

This page explains how to update elements Video.

Entity name: video.

PUT http://API_DOMAIN/rest/video/{resource-id}.{format}

{resource-id}: the object ID


Attribute Value Mandatory
title A non-empty string NO
descrizione_breve A string NO
description A string NO
tags A string where each tag has the , character as a divisor NO
preview_image A reference to the absolute path to the image on your disk.
Accepted formats: jpg, png, gif
It is not possible to change the video source of the object


Field Value Description
id string Object ID
titolo string The title of the video
descrizione_breve string The associated short description
descrizione string The associated complete description
tags string List of tags separated by commas
video_disponibile boolean If the video is available for playback, the value will be set 1, otherwise it will have the value 0
invalid_video boolean 1 If the video was not converted correctly, 0 otherwise
data_inserimento string The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:s
Y(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds)
preview_image string URL of the associated preview image

Example of a curl request

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: Fun94nBf4YiaL20hG5np2Ki8mHtm9OCn4R6lPamNM8mNn7YFDRUvZveSbB0n6T" -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT" -X POST -d "titolo=Titolo video" http://API_DOMAIN/rest/video/2.json

Example of a JSON response

	"titolo":"Titolo video",
	"data_inserimento":"2012-09-25 17:55:47",

Note The updated object will be returned as a response

Note The PUT method is not supported by all systems. In case of problems, add the parameter to the Header of the callX-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT ed utilizzare il metodo POST come default