Meride API - Presentation - HTTP status codes

HTTP status code HTTP status code definition Meaning Response body
200 OK The request was successful The object or objects on which the request is being made
201 Created La richiesta è stata creata, ma è ancora "In Progress". Created
204 No Content The server has satisfied the request but does not need to return a body No Content
400 Bad Request One or more request parameters are not valid Un array JSON del tipo {errors:['descrizione errore 1','descrizione errore 2']}
403 Forbidden Credentials are not valid for this request An error description
404 Not Found The requested entity was not found An error description
405 Method Not Allowed The specified method (GET, PUT, POST, etc.) is not allowed on this resource An error description
500 Internal Server Error An internal server error has occurred. Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to maintenance Service Unavailable