Meride API - Roll - Update

This page explains how to update elements Roll.

Entity name: advideo.

PUT http://API_DOMAIN/rest/advideo/{resource-id}.{format}

{resource-id}: the object ID


Attribute Value Mandatory
title A non-empty string NO
descrizione_breve A string NO
description A string NO
tags A string where each tag has the character , as a divider NO
preview_image A reference to the absolute path of the image on your disk.
Formats accepted: jpg, png, gif
title_url_destinazione Titolo assegnato all'URL di destinazione NO
url_destinazione URL della destinazione dell'advertising (ad esempio sul click) NO
It is not possible to change the video source of the object


Field Value Description
id string Object ID
title string The title of the video
descrizione_breve string The associated short description
description string The associated complete description
tags string List of tags separated by commas
video_disponibile boolean If the video is available for playback, the value will be set 1, otherwise it will have the value 0
data_inserimento string The create date that follows the format Y-m-d H:i:s
Y(year) m(month) d(day) H(hours) i(minutes) s(seconds)
preview_image string URL of the associated preview image
title_url_destinazione string Titolo assegnato all'URL di destinazione
url_destinazione string URL della destinazione dell'advertising

Example of a curl request

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "access-token: Fun94nBf4YiaL20hG5np2Ki8mHtm9OCn4R6lPamNM8mNn7YFDRUvZveSbB0n6T" -H "X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT" -X POST -d "titolo=Roll title" http://API_DOMAIN/rest/advideo/2.json

Example of a JSON response

	"titolo":"Roll title",
	"data_inserimento":"2012-09-25 17:55:47",
	"title_url_destinazione":"Titolo URL destinazione"

Note The updated object will be returned as a response

Note The PUT method is not supported by all systems. In case of problems, add the parameter to the Header of the callX-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT ed utilizzare il metodo POST come default